1,000 points of Light, are you one of them?

The other day in watching the memories of peoples experiences of  George Bush, Sr. I became aware of this was a man who truly had a strong desire to be of service to humanity.  To be humble, loving and kind to the best of your ability.

He spoke of a 1,000 points of light.  What does that mean to you?

For me I think of a millions of points of lights.  We are all points of Light.  Light shifts the darkness, so we can “see”.

In this season of darkness, many religions speak of the Light .Since ancient times in the holy scriptures of the world religions especially Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The mystical literature, of these religions is especially imbued with the symbol of light.

What if we did take seriously his comment about being a point of Light?

Who would you be this holiday season?  Who would you choose to be when you get triggered by that certain “family” member?  Who would you be when being cut off in traffic?  Or when your feelings get hurt by something someone did or said?

Drop into your heart, breathe slowing, allow yourself to truly get present.  Then ask your own Light to guide you to a new possibility.

I do appreciate President Bush’s reminder of this opportunity this holiday season!!!