Addicted to being right!

So what does it mean to being addicted to being right?  Have you ever had that experience, where you just are so committed the the perception that you are right?  wow, I have!

Did you know what happens in the brain with this kind of addiction? A huge rush of dopamine!   It is that “feel” good hormone.  The more we drink this up, the more we become addicted to being right!  Because it feels good, we want more of it.

I had this happen the other day in my own addiction to being right.  I was so sure that since my daughter was the last to use this recipe, and because I could not find it, I assumed she had taken it.  It was a great recipe, and I thought she just took it from the book .

I called her and said that the recipe was missing, I knew she was the last one to use it, and perhaps she took it home to copy it.  Could she please copy it and send it back.  Well, a few hours later I opened the cabinet and saw it!  Yes, it was not in the book it, it was shoved between books.  Yikes!  I was so sure I was right, that she had taken it home since it was so marvelous.  I was high on dopamine!

Then I realized I was wrong.  I was so sure it was not there that my filters could not see it.  This is what happens.  Even though reality was right in front of me, I could not see it.  I had made up my mind movie and I was right.

Yes, I did call her and apologize.  I even owned my tendency to think I am right!!!  How humbling!  It was a lesson that I needed to wake up to that addiction.

I invite you to simply notice this tendency in yourself.  Let’s face it, it feels good to be right!  But are we????

Watch how the political conversation revolves around this one;-)

This is a quote from the Course In Miracles: