Are you a slave to your reactions?
Within a few days of my last post I was on a call with a group of colleagues. The subject was once again 9/11 and the impact on the consciousness of the people of the United States and that of the world. I was deeply touched by what he brought to the table.
This man on 9/11 was on top of the PanAM building which is within several blocks of the World Trade Center. They were standing on top of the building talking about the new construction project when he looked up, as they all did, and saw the first plane heading toward the tower. He shared he actually saw into the first plane through the window of that plane, a blonde haired woman. He remembered the look on her face……then the crash.
Within moments of that impact they saw the other plane approaching, and were asked to get off the roof since nobody could make sense of what they were seeing.
This is common when our brains having nothing to compare it to.We can go into a sense of confusion, trying to make sense of what we are seeing. It reminds me of the stories I have heard of the Native Americans sitting near the shores and truly could not see the fleet of ships approaching. The time Tim and I were out west and saw blinking lights on the mountain and had nothing inside of us that gave us a clue to what this was. It turned out that it was the dawn patrol of hot air balloons checking the winds for safety.
Back to the story, once down on the ground and in the days after he began to contemplate how this could happen. Since he is a colleague and being trained to balance our nervous systems so we can access the higher brain centers, he applied a tool. What came to him was “how many of us, and in this situation all of us, are now slaves to a small group of people reaction to this event” It has played out for years now, 15 I think, and perhaps even more. Our government had a knee jerk reaction to an event that now has allowed even more loss of life in many countries!
That evening I happened to being watching a lecture of Marianne Williamson on the very same subject. When the ego mind (thoughts of fear and separation) take over, when we are just in a reactionary phase, we can do more harm than heal.
Since she travels the world and this country she shared that Americans are good people, we came together to truly help each other on this day. However, she also was amazed at the question on peoples minds that day. “we are a good people, how could this happen to us”? Like my last post stated “karma being played out” was what my sense of it was.
We the people want to believe our nation and it’s policies are fair and just, I did. She continued to speak saying we are so unaware of the foreign policies our government has. The policies have toppled governments, raped resources from indigenous countries, lies for the benefit of the corporations going into countries, paying so little to those who “do the work” for them. This is what we have to look at now. Many will say we have created a huge karmic debt that now we must make amends for.
So even in our everyday life the question I must bring to the conversation inside of myself is …”am I reacting from fear”, now knowing this may enslave me for years? Or “am I responding from Love, which will allow creative source energy to come and show me the way out”?
You get to decide for yourself…….should you choose to learn how to respond rather than react, call me, perhaps I can help!