Birthing a new world.
What would happen if we as a society began to see what is happening in the world across all sectors, is a birthing process rather than a “falling apart”? Notice if there is a difference in your body and emotions between the first one and the second one. Truly take a moment to experience if there is a difference.
Any of us who have been through the process, or witnessed the process know it is messy, painful and great intensity of energy. This is what we are witnessing now.
Just like this image to the right, we are as a species birthing a new humanity. Bringing all the elephants in the rooms that were hidden up until now, into the Light of awareness.
It is my deep Faith, that I learned many years ago from a wise teacher. He would tell me when he would notice my mind being filled with doubt and fear “ALL is well”. When I get the bigger picture of the Universe I can see that.
Things truly are working in a way to “wake us up”. To bring more consciousness into our very Being. As a heartmath coach we have a saying “these things are just right geometries for us to evolve, and many times they feel just wrong!”
Covid was a great awakener for many. It truly showed us how connected we all are! Viruses spread, that is what they do. However fear can also be a virus that is spread through humanity. My personal belief is, this is the destructive virus.
I was listening to Shariff Abdullah. (Earth Keepers Summit) This amazing man has such wisdom, one that I resonate with deeply. He is trained in psychotherapy and in his training, he had to study rats often, at Clarke University. Studying them as an analogy to human behavior.
Put 2 rats in cage, big enough for their comfort, put plenty of food and water in the cage. What they witnessed was they actually got along harmoniously.
The next phase of the experiment was to introduce an electric shock to the bottom of the cage. Once the rats felt this, they began attacking each other. Perhaps thinking,the other rat is causing this pain in me? As rats brains do, just like us humans, “I need to get rid of that/who is causing me this pain”. They/We are now in survival. Doesn’t it make sense they would attack each other, with this “lens” on?
The deepest question each of us could ask ourselves is “what is the electric current going through humanity right now that is causing us to attack/Other each other right now ‘?
He went on to say that it is the Consciousness that is causing the problems of racism, poverty, global warming/climate , covid. He says, as I have noticed for many years now, it is a Consciousness/Energy thing, and unless we can upgrade that, not much will change.
The Solution is Consciousness!! “we can’t change a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it” Albert Einstein.
Ecologist Daniel Christian Wahl states that “humanity is coming of age and needs a “new story” that is powerful and meaningful enough to galvanize global collaboration and guide a collective response to the converging crises we are facing. In the fundamentally interconnected and interdependent planetary system we participate in, the best way to care for oneself and those closet to oneself is to start caring more for the benefit of the collective (all life). Metaphorically speaking, we are all in the same boat, our planetary life support system, or in Buckminster Fuller’s words: ‘Spaceship Earth’. The them against us thinking that for too long has defined politics between nations, companies and people is profoundly anachronistic.”
We have never done this before…….this is new for all of us. For me, as long as I practice my tools of “heart/brain coherence” I can handle it! Remember we are about to give birth to a very new way of living on this planet. We can cooperate in the birthing process rather than resisting or fighting it.
We are all amazing Beings. This is our Birthright to re-cognize this innate Power we have within!!! How do you elevate yourself to a New Humanity that truly does work for everyone?
Ready to harmonize your heart/brain to create more harmony, joy and peace within? Contact me!