Creating personal coherence leads to social coherence into global coherence
Being a HeartMath trainer and coach I get to learn and study these things. Let define coherence first. Dictionary: coherence is a quality of being consistent and logical. Another definition: quality of forming a unified whole. One we use at Institute of HeartMath when we train is: An optimal state in which the heart, mind and emotions are aligned and in sync. Physiologically, the immune, hormonal and nervous systems function in a state of energetic coordination.
When this coherent state is established within us, we can learn how to do this, we think better, our brains work better, our nervous system begins to regulate, we have empathy, intuition and more ease in situations that can trigger us.
We have begun to learn how to self-regulate. We become aware of old patterns of thoughts, emotions, behaviors that just don’t serve who we truly are or imagine we could be. We change.
As this happens, we tend to live from a different vibe. Perhaps one of love, joy, compassion, kindness?? As this happens our electromagnetic field expands and touches those around us. Perhaps we begin to notice this.
Here is an example: the last week or so I have spent over 6 hours with apple tech trying to get my computer to update to Catalina. I don’t like being on the computer that much, I actually resist it for days.
However I needed my computer to write this blog. So, first call his name was Danny. Now I could actually feel the tension in my body as he was talking. Then decided to shift to my heart and establish neutral. Once I did that, Danny took me on a magical ride! I no longer resisted. I got to know Danny well, he actually was in a musical as a child and sang a song to me!!!
I believe my coherence radiated out to the environmental field and he got it. We truly had fun together as he corrected my computer.
Then Ken came in a few days as the update still would not happen. Ken and I spent 2 hours one day and 30 minutes the next. As I sat there remembering what I established with Danny, I was inspired to do it again. I felt my heart, opened it with appreciation, and once again had fun with Ken. I learned what he liked, where he lived, food, politics, yes even politics!
These are two examples of social coherence. When one chooses to get coherent, the other one can automatically be coherent. This is especially true in work environments. If there are many unhappy employees, that frequency is contagious. It is incoherent and creates more of that in the environment. Same is true when a few employees can self establish coherence within themselves, that radiates out into the field and affects those around them.
Which would you rather have working for you, or working with you?
This also applies to any relationship, family, co-worker, friend etc. Once you learn how to get coherent, you begin to experiment with all situations and people.
Then we go to global coherence. Imagine many social groups getting coherent. Could be more families, more work environment, any place that would benefit from coherence. As these groups around the world grow, this energy also expands impacting the entire globe.
What if you, your organization, your family could be more coherent? What would that look like? What would that feel like? What would be happening? See if this vision expands you? Does it contract you? You be the experiencer.
Research published in: Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine July/August 2010 Volume 16 NO. 4
Frontiers in Public Health October 12,2017