Human longevity project….we continue the exploration!
Again this series was very informative, this episode was on Cancer/Alziemers and how Centenarians slow the diseases of aging or are able to avoid them. In the western world we have the belief that as we age the body breaks down.
They spoke of this break-down as a symptom which is actually the last to occur in the process, it is merely a signal.
The fact they quoted that truly surprised me is that neurological issues have increased 663% in the last 20 years! They site some of the problem is that in the western world there is no effort on policy makers to do the research on getting to the cause of this.
The scientists, functional medicine doctors, nutritionists point to the health of the mitochondria. When are mitochondria are running on empty less ATP is produced which is the energy. When no energy is present the cells decide to no longer take air and food and cancer results.
They spoke of the “frailty syndrome” which is when we have diminished recall, memory, heart disease, kidney failure and muscle dysfunction. As I look at many elderly in our society I see this often. I watched my own parents experience all of the above.
They spoke of how 30-40 years, before symptoms even appear, the mitochondria is losing it’s energy. Think about how teenagers eat these days;-). They also spoke of cancer being a metabolic dis-ease.
In our society the our use of pain killers to just take the edge off rather than looking at the cause. They spoke of using anti inflammatory diets, weight bearing exercise and many more!!
In this session again they spoke of eating as organic. Get the chemicals out of your diet as much as you can. Eat lots of colored vegetables and fruit. The more activity we have the more our mitochondria is happy and healthy!!!
To sleep enough 7-8 hours as this is when your body goes into repair.
So get physical which improves cognition and go to your heart and activate those emotions of love, joy, gratitude….truly use it or loose it was my take away from this session.
The choice is to promote health and healing was the centenarians attitude vs not dying!! Feel into that one;-)
Healing has it’s ups and downs. We can ask ourselves what in my life is out of sync with nature?
What do I need to forgive and let go of, that is draining my batteries, lowering the health of my mitochondria . Do forgiveness work every night. Asking yourself, who have I hurt today ? How have my thoughts and emotions hurt myself today? Let go of the shame and blame game…forgive it all, especially Myself;-)
Last request they made, was ask yourself “Who Am I” and be determined to get health back if you are sick.
Nature is the best I have found to ask this question.