In the boat of uncertainty.

This reminds me of where I am, not really knowing where the road will lead or who is on it with me.

As I was on a call Friday with a group of people from Matrix Leadership a common theme was being spoken of being in this boat of uncertainty and not really knowing what is next.

I was blessed to be in a breakout room with 3 men, all I have known through this organization. I have not spoken to any of them in many months or perhaps years. Yet, we picked up where we left off so easily. This is what happens when you are willing to be vulnerable and open with each other.

What I witnessed as I listened, none of these amazing men have any idea of what is next. They spoke of not knowing what to do, how to truly serve humanity in these times of uncertainty. I so resonated with all of them.

As I have learned we are in a new paradigm, the old ways are falling away and I know I can feel a sense of ungroundness in all of it also. I know many of us learned to have very linear goals, make the date, set the intention, do the steps and make it happen! I hear for so many of us, this way no longer works.

Everyone of these men are saying this way of being in the world does not work. We have all made plans in the last two years that have fallen apart. Life is like shifting sands beneath my feet these days.

We spoke of the only way through this is with the power of the heart. Sitting quietly in the heart and asking the questions, living into the questions, holding the mystery of “what is next”? Then listening deeply for your guidance from your own Soul.

There is a concern now that even if I find my own way, that this may be taken from me also.

I recalled to them as I do that work, I am finding myself more comfortable in the not knowing what is next. Just with the mindset of what comes will be for my highest good. Each situation that comes I know will teach me something about myself. Can I truly sit in a field of peace within my own heart as I engage the world?

I believe this is what we are all being called to do. To learn to sit with things from a higher consciousness than what we are conditioned to use. To not react. If we choose to respond and if we can activate our heart’s intelligence we may truly find another way. Perhaps this new way is one of compassion for all of us as we sit in this boat of uncertainty.

I recall many years ago when my daughter had a brain tumor. We were driving to her in-laws for Christmas. She was under the influence of trauma and many drugs to help with the pain. I said something to her which activated her saying “this is not about you”. I slowed myself down, got a wider perspective. “Yes, this is happening to your body, I can’t know truly what that is like for you, and I am sorry. However there are two other people sitting in this boat with you. It is happening to us also.

We as humanity I believe need to see that this uncertainty is happening to us all. What if we could find compassion for each story we hear?

I love the quote of Rumi “there is a field beyond right doing and wrong doing, I will meet you there” Perhaps that is where the answers are?