Longevity…what research found out.


What is the frequency for good health, irrespective of what is going on in the 3D world around us?   What does good health feel like?  Is it the absence of dis-ease, anxiety, worry, pain, etc.?  Is there a presence of something else that we become aware of?

Ask your own heart, listen to the higher knowing within.    

There are 5 zones in the world that have the longest life spans! And the healthiest and happiest lives.

Dan Buettner and a national geographic team went to each place to find out how they do this.  This information was then studied by medical researchers, anthropologists and others. They are known as the “Blue Zones”.


Here they are:

Loma Linda in California (lifestyle of plant based foods)

Costa Rica’s isolated Nicoya Peninsula (low middle age deaths)

Sardinia Italy (they drink the local wine)

Okinawa Japan (believe is social networks)

Ikaria, an isolated Greek Island (free of dementia)


Here are the 9 characteristics they found:

  1. Movement is natural.  They don’t go to gyms, run marathons, etc.  They move naturally as they go about their days, like gardening, walking, biking.  In working the land, they use no mechanical devices.
  2. Purpose.  Basically “why I wake up in the morning”.
  3. Down shift.  We all experience stress and know the damage it does to our bodies, including increasing the inflammatory process.  So, they have their own personal ways to either reduce it or to stop it.
  4. 80% rule.  This is where in Okinawa they stop eating when stomach is 80% full.  The 20% gap is when they notice they are not hungry and yet not full.  They also eat late afternoon which is their lightest meal of the day, then don’t eat anything the rest of the evening.
  5. Plant slant.  Most of their diets are plant based.  If meat is eaten, it is only consumed 5 times a month, in the amount of 4-5  oz (size of deck of cards)
  6. Wine! (Loma Linda does not consume wine). Others find that if they have a glass of wine with friends and/or a meal increases life span.
  7. Sense of belonging.  They feel they belong to something bigger than they are.  They found that attending a faith based service or gathering increased life span.
  8. Put loved ones first.  Family first, keep aging parents nearby, having generations come together.  Commit to a life partner. Investing in children with love and time.
  9. The right Tribe.  Here is where friends are committed to each other for life.  They found who you hang with influences what you do.  So if you are with others who don’t smoke, you don’t. If with others who exercise you tend to.

Is it the behavior, environment, acceptance?  Happiness and loneliness are contagious.  How many of the above do you incorporate into your own life?

Take a look and reflect on your life now.  How willing are you to adopt one of these things into your own life?

Live, Laugh and Love OFTEN!