Mirror Mirror on the wall and in the world
When I read this quote I thought of the years it took me to truly understand and apply this in my own life.
This quote is Q’uo, The Law Of One “When the seeker becomes fully aware that every person about him is a mirror for himself, there is in that realization a feeling of “too much information”. Shall the seeker take, in complete sincerity, every word that is spoken to him and every interaction with another person as being information about himself/herself? If so, the information stacks up exponentially as the years go by. Yet, it is true that the spiritual seeker is in a hall of mirrors. Each mirror is distorted, yet gives some information. How does one look at one’s self? The eyes look outward. They do not see inward. It is impossible to see yourself as others see you. Consequently, it is very helpful to enter into the game, shall we say, of taking each person as a mirror for yourself, and musing upon what that mirror is telling you.”
Think about this, contemplate it.
Anything and everything we see outside of us reflects some part/belief we hold inside. This was a hard concept for me to understand. Einstein even says that what we are seeing is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one!
Let’s look at an example. The other day I was judging someone who is such a procrastinator ! I noticed frustration and anger about this one. Then I looked at the mirror and what it was showing me. I have the habit at times to procrastinate !!!! So, what I was feeling was the same feelings I have about myself when I procrastinate ! I have thanked him for showing this about myself….after I realized what I had projected onto him. Too funny uh?
Think about team members, family members, people on the street that you have judgments or strong feelings about. See if you can find that part of you inside of yourself. Sometimes it can really be a shadow aspect of your personality that you aren’t in touch with yet or buried deep inside.
Be gentle with yourself as you do this work for yourself . It truly does “free” you and others. When honest with ourselves about this stuff, we can have more latitude with others since we realize “oh yeah, I do that”.