Shifting the next generation…
How do we help ourselves and the next generation in these times of rapid change, challenges and disruptions. I believe we truly need to help them self-regulate their emotions which are driving their nervous systems regulating all of their bodily functions. Also knowing that their very emotions are driving not only their hormones but actually how the brain functions.
I had the privilege of listening to a Principal from Australia in December at a conference. She acknowledged the stress at school and in families that she so wanted to be able help them find another way.
She spoke of the stress in families. Those who had wealth, running kids from one activity to another. Parents working many hours to keep the lifestyle up that they created. Kids and parents not really connecting with each other.
She spoke of the same story for those families who lived at the other end of the spectrum, having little money. Once again the same story, kids in after school care or in front of technology as a babysitter. Very little time truly spent together.
Each group having challenges, trying to keep up, doing more and more as they disconnected from what truly mattered, each other! At the end of the day either being overwhelmed or just totally drained.
She knew that teaching the skills I taught in the video below, were a step in the right direction. It was exciting for me to see that the educational system in Australia was willing to try something different!
We all know as parents watching our kids be angry, scared, worried, anxious or depressed is not easy. We can teach them how to be with these “feelings” in a whole new way.
My hope for the world in sharing this video is that you will teach yourself or your kids how to make this shift to heart, breath, and regenerative feeling. I know it FEELS better!
Perhaps we truly can help this next generation to be compassionate, joyful and loving. Imagine this!