
Will you take time today to activate peace within?

This is something to consider today on International Peace Day. I have learned how conflicted my own mind can get these days. Realizing that this energy of my thoughts and emotions are impacting everyone around me. Think about this. Is this the impact I want to have on my family, colleagues, neighbors, or friends. We
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One way to understand or investigate our emotions/feelings.

I was on a call the other day with a group of colleagues and we learned how to value these things called “feelings”. They are a gift to us. They are here to help us master and decode these gifts from Source. We can either be bothered by our feelings or we can truly understand
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What is it most humans have in common?

There are three universal fears we as humans must be able to sit with and learn from them. According to many, and in particular my colleague Gregg Braden, these three are fear of separation and abandonment, the fear of low self worth, and the fear of surrender and trust. Take a moment and breath, notice
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Gardening with Love!

I know some of us cringe at the word love. Do you? Notice what happened as you read that. What happened in your body? What thoughts popped up for you? Emotions? What the world needs now is more love! Dionne Warwick song from many years ago “what the world needs now is love”. Yes, I
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Story wars within, how they impact our healing.

Have you ever noticed how the mind loves to tell you stories ?  Some renew us, some truly do drain our energy.  This keeps the stress response on, so the body has problems in healing itself. A few weeks ago it was a beautiful sunny warm day.  It had been rainy and cold for many
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