
Politics needs an upgrade!

The reason I think politics needs an upgrade is due to the chaos and divisiveness that I see and hear going on, in our country and around the world. Upgrading from fear to love.  Just one finger away;-) On a spiritual level, it is the age old battle in the dualistic mind of good/bad, right/wrong/,
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The choice for Peace!

Did you know that peace was a choice?  One we make every single minute of the day.  Contemplate that one! Right now I believe we all must access this frequency/vibration/feeling of peace as we walk through the uncertainty we all face in the world at this moment I noticed the other day my mind was
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Breathe …it opens our bodies up to release!!!

Breathe …it opens our bodies up to release!!!

I believe we all must learn to breathe properly to open our minds/brains up to new possibilities. This is especially important these days when we are witnessing rapid change, some we like, some we don’t like.  Either way, notice if you have a tendency to hold your breath.  I have noticed this in myself often.
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The Intelligent Mind

According to our Spiritual Texts, there is an Intelligence in the Universal Mind!   I witness planets rotating around the Sun, never bumping into each other.  I see the deep beauty of the nature and how it cooperates with all things. The Mind, I have been taught is the Field we all live in.  So
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What does this world need now?

Forgiveness and Love.  I remember the song by Dionne Warwick sang back in 1965 “what the world needs now is love”, and I would like to add forgiveness. According to A Course In Miracles the definition of forgiveness: our special function that shifts perception of another as “enemy” (special hate) or “savior-idol” (special love) to
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