
Being human isn’t easy……

Being human isn’t easy……

I was given this video the other day by a group of friends who are willing to open their hearts and minds to another way of looking at things. Are you? Will you? Humanity is at the brink of either a huge choice to shift into a newer state of being. Here is the video
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How do we increase compassion?

Since I my work in the world is one of healing, I thought this may serve you. We all have suffering in our life. This is one of the great tenants of Buddhism. As humans we all know suffering. Even now as I sit and write this, I think of my sister in law whose
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Creating personal coherence leads to social coherence into global coherence

Being a HeartMath trainer and coach I get to learn and study these things. Let define coherence first. Dictionary: coherence is a quality of being consistent and logical. Another definition: quality of forming a unified whole. One we use at Institute of HeartMath when we train is: An optimal state in which the heart, mind
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The body as a means of communication.

This a line in the Course of Miracles. One that took me sometime to wrap my mind and heart around. Let me see if I can serve your understanding of this statement. As a young woman I pondered so much! One thought that kept floating through my mind was “God gave me this body (suit
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Will you take time today to activate peace within?

This is something to consider today on International Peace Day. I have learned how conflicted my own mind can get these days. Realizing that this energy of my thoughts and emotions are impacting everyone around me. Think about this. Is this the impact I want to have on my family, colleagues, neighbors, or friends. We
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