
This is what is happening to us all. ;

When I looked at this image I thought to myself how fascinating it was. At times as I walk in the world or listen to others I wonder which finger they are expressing these days. The kind of stress that we are exposed to on a daily basis is truly hurting us all. The stress
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The power of science and change.

The power of science and change.

So now we are 6 weeks into Covid-19, how are you doing? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What is happening in your body? These are very pertinent questions you need to ask of yourself to become aware/mindful of your inner state. This inner “state” determines your biology. Emotions drive your physiology impacting
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PPE from within, maneuvering with Heart in these trying times.

Self care, regeneration and Recovery In this time of crisis are you feeling anxious, scared, worried, angry, overwhelmed or sad? In caring for ourselves the first step is to be honest with what we are experiencing in the moment. These are all normal feelings. Own it. Taking responsibility for our feelings rather than blaming others
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What can you do knowing life is changing due to a virus?

I felt compelled to add my voice to this conversation. I have read much about this apparent collapse of how we have been conditioned to “do” things. I am, as you are, being called to question most things. One huge question for me is, “who do I choose to be in this crisis”? Since I
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How the body responds to stress.

I truly liked what he had to say and rather than paraphrase I wanted to share the text straight from his email. Since I have worked with my own stress response and many others what he says is valid! The Urban Monk said this: The health industry in the Western world is one of the
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