
Teenage Basketball Player increases his resilence capacity and learns!

Being an adolescent young man is hard enough! Add in vulnerability during a high school basketball game receiving a “hard foul” then missing one of the two shots you were given  really tried him. Friday night I had the opportunity to help this young man increase his capacity emotionally.   After the big game they
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Korea – Olympics potential of new energy?

Einstein said that the most important decision I need to ask  ” Do I believe this is a friendly Universe or a hostile one”? How do I do this when looking out at Korea and the US conflict, which is real and palpable.  Many of us don’t want to talk about it or even look
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The wondrous Heart!!!

Why our hearts matter is because they play such a big role in leading an extraordinary life!!! Our heart rhythms affect the brain’s ability to process information with over 40,000 sensory neurons involved in relaying ascending information to the brain! The human heart’s magnetic filed can be measured several feet away from the body.

The brain in the heart!

There is a branch in medicine called neurocardiology that proves that what this man is saying is true and physiologically sound. There are far more signals going from the heart to the brain, so what our hearts are doing really does impact how we think!  His invitation once again is to go to the heart
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The Eclipse ..celestial wisdom

With this eclipse I have been noticing my stuff being stirred up.  I know I am always reaching for greater awareness and dignity in doing this work.  Knowing in my own heart that was is being served to me is a beautiful thing to help me grow into more of my Larger (Divine) Self. Perhaps
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