
Event + Perception + Response = Outcome

Let’s unpack this ! So above is an equation: Event : what is happening in the outer world, what our senses are taking in at the moment.   So what is the event in your life right now that has you emotionally in a state that is draining your inner battery? This could be family,
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And I need this hormone because?

And I need this hormone because?

I am posting this on the day Tim and I have been married for 46 years.  Wow! I truly believe that we served each other more oxytocin cocktails than cortisol cocktails 😉 Sit back, take it in as you watch this.  What happens in your body? For me I felt my heart open, my body
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How stress hormones affect your body

The first spark of anger activates the amygdala, whether we are conscious of it or not. This activates the hypothalamus.  The hypothalamus the pituitary gland to release corticotrophin-releasing hormones. The pituitary gland activate the adrenal glands by releasing ACTH.  The adrenal glands secrete hormones like cortisol , adrenalin and noradrenalin. Sources of anger can be
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Wisdom teachings

Sometimes I wonder why so many of us have gotten trapped in today’s fast-paced lifestyle filled with consumerism, wars, hunger, poverty and just dis-connection. These Native American wisdom teachings may serve to help us live a more balanced and connected life.  The truth in them are ancient and can easily be applied since they remain
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Increasing your capacity for resilience

Since it seems I am on the subject of resiliency I thought I would share some things that you can personally do to increase your capacity! At this time we are under increased amount of stress.  Now remember the definition of stress?  This is what happens in us when something we care about is being
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