
Mirror Mirror on the wall and in the world

When I read this quote I thought of the years it took me to truly understand and apply this in my own life. This quote is Q’uo, The Law Of One “When the seeker becomes fully aware that every person about him is a mirror for himself, there is in that realization a feeling of
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The power of science and change.

The power of science and change.

So now we are 6 weeks into Covid-19, how are you doing? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What is happening in your body? These are very pertinent questions you need to ask of yourself to become aware/mindful of your inner state. This inner “state” determines your biology. Emotions drive your physiology impacting
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What can you do knowing life is changing due to a virus?

I felt compelled to add my voice to this conversation. I have read much about this apparent collapse of how we have been conditioned to “do” things. I am, as you are, being called to question most things. One huge question for me is, “who do I choose to be in this crisis”? Since I
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How do we increase compassion?

Since I my work in the world is one of healing, I thought this may serve you. We all have suffering in our life. This is one of the great tenants of Buddhism. As humans we all know suffering. Even now as I sit and write this, I think of my sister in law whose
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The body as a means of communication.

This a line in the Course of Miracles. One that took me sometime to wrap my mind and heart around. Let me see if I can serve your understanding of this statement. As a young woman I pondered so much! One thought that kept floating through my mind was “God gave me this body (suit
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