
What next steps can I take to heal?

Here in America we have just experienced an election that was wrought with confusion, anxiety, anger, worry, doubt etc. And yet, more Americans than ever came out to vote, to be heard. Truly evidence of our democracy, one you and I have taken for granted perhaps. No longer can we. Now our job, each of
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Masking or not masking?

There is already so much written about the pro’s and con’s of wearing a mask. Whether they really matter, do they really keep out the particles, its a political move, getting headaches from the CO2 build up from your own breath. I think I have read most of it. Even a minister spoke of this.
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The choice is here, the time is now.

What will you choose for yourself, your family, your friends, your children, your politicians, communities, schools ? Love or Fear? It is time for a change, a different choice. It is time for the domain of the heart in each of us to be activated. It takes courage, practice and persistence. It is possible to
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Change of heart..why?

AT this time more than ever with Covid-19, Racism, and what is next, truly needs the heart, your heart, each of our hearts to open. When open and coherent we have the potential to “see” each other differently. Here are some facts about the heart, so perhaps you will buy in: Our hearts rhythms affect
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Mirror Mirror on the wall and in the world

When I read this quote I thought of the years it took me to truly understand and apply this in my own life. This quote is Q’uo, The Law Of One “When the seeker becomes fully aware that every person about him is a mirror for himself, there is in that realization a feeling of
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