
Self regulation = emotional intelligence.

So much is written about the chaos and challenges we are facing as a human being. With all of that, and what is predicted in the next year it is so easy to get triggered isn’t it? The world is changing so rapidly and it can be difficult to find center and even our breath
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Ways to lighten up!

Silently send love to someone in your life that you are grateful for.  That you are sharing this life with them.  Gratitude is such a healing vibration, attitude and emotion.  Doesn’t this feel amazing?  Just doing this lightens you up and the receiver of this gratitude. How do we live more into this gratitude?  For
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Why is peace threatening?

This question was posed to me a few weeks ago.  I am in a year long program with Scilla Elworthy and Sheva Carr ” Business plan for peace”.   Scilla is a 3 time nobel peace prize nominee.  Isn’t that cool? She presented this question to the group.  I am now presenting this to you.
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Wanted to share another way to “see”

When I go out into the woods, and I look at trees, I say, “Oh, look at that one, oh look at that one, oh how interesting!” I don’t ask why an Elm isn’t an Oak… I just appreciate them for what they are. Somehow it’s different when I get near humans, I somehow feel
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What’s going on…what’s going on?

The other day I was reminded of a song by Marvin Gaye back in 1971 “What’s going on”.  It is a beautiful song and is still true today, which can invoke sadness in me.  Then I remember how far we have come, how far I have grown in consciousness and heart.  Here are a few
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