
One way to understand or investigate our emotions/feelings.

I was on a call the other day with a group of colleagues and we learned how to value these things called “feelings”. They are a gift to us. They are here to help us master and decode these gifts from Source. We can either be bothered by our feelings or we can truly understand
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Are you coachable?

I found out last week that my sister in law has lung cancer.  My sister called, she was crying that at times I could not understand what she was saying.  I listened with compassion, to the best of my ability mirroring what I heard.  She told me that Amanda was besides herself. I don’t usually
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Ready to surrender?

Haven’t you read about the power of surrender?  The power of letting it all go?  The power of the Present Moment?  Yet, what gets in our way of doing this? The brain is constantly looking for answers to problems that we think we have.  So it’s job is to keep trying to find an answer.
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Intuition ..we all need to access this wisdom more!

So for me intuition is a way I can know things when I am deeply connected to my Self and everything around me, the energy field itself. Perhaps what we have learned from it all. Instinct for me, is more about my more about my animal nature, it is hardwired into my body.  Ie..pulling my
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