
Self regulation = emotional intelligence.

So much is written about the chaos and challenges we are facing as a human being. With all of that, and what is predicted in the next year it is so easy to get triggered isn’t it? The world is changing so rapidly and it can be difficult to find center and even our breath
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What are your obstacles to Love?

I have been noticing more and more people willing to talk about Love these days! Love is a frequency/vibration we can all tap into anytime we want. A few months I was sitting in a circle with other Matrix Leadership friend and this subject came up. I quoted Rumi…“Your task is not to seek for
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Reflection to bring into 2024.

I read this quote from Annette Breaux the other day “Nine times out of ten, the story behind the misbehavior won’t make you angry; it will break your heart.” In all my studies of humanity and volunteering in communities I found this to be true. Once I heard their story of not being seen, not
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Random acts of compassion to change humanity.

With all the chaos in the world and the fear I see and even feel as I walk the world I wanted to share an example to perhaps inspire others to live into their own hearts. The definition of compassion that I have learned is to “feel” what someone else could be feeling, or even
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Why Heart Coherence Matters.

Right now with so much changing and shifting outside of us we need to have heart/brain coherence more than ever! With the chaos and instability in the markets, financial institutions, food supplies, relationships, climate and politics being able to “handle” it all can be so much to manage these days. All of this can show
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