
The Intelligent Mind

According to our Spiritual Texts, there is an Intelligence in the Universal Mind!   I witness planets rotating around the Sun, never bumping into each other.  I see the deep beauty of the nature and how it cooperates with all things. The Mind, I have been taught is the Field we all live in.  So
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What does this world need now?

Forgiveness and Love.  I remember the song by Dionne Warwick sang back in 1965 “what the world needs now is love”, and I would like to add forgiveness. According to A Course In Miracles the definition of forgiveness: our special function that shifts perception of another as “enemy” (special hate) or “savior-idol” (special love) to
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Forgiveness in Transcending Patterns

The power of forgiveness and love has been written about in all our spiritual texts.  Why do we resist doing this work?  What is the need to hold onto grudges/grievances. My own ego consistently says I am right and they are wrong!   I don’t really know this for a fact, it is my belief,
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Celebrating Mother’s Love on Mother’s Day

In the past I thought of Mother’s Day only as a Hallmark holiday.  As my own cynicism healed and my heart opened I realized it was a talisman for us all to take pause.  To truly radiate out the love we have for the woman who was willing to bring us into the world of
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Manifesting more love…shifts in how we see the world.

“When you love something, you grant it soul, you see its soul, and you let its soul touch yours. You must love something deeply to know its soul. …… In fact, until you can appreciate and even delight in the soul of other things, even trees and animals, I doubt if you have discovered your
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