
Wanted to share another way to “see”

When I go out into the woods, and I look at trees, I say, “Oh, look at that one, oh look at that one, oh how interesting!” I don’t ask why an Elm isn’t an Oak… I just appreciate them for what they are. Somehow it’s different when I get near humans, I somehow feel
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Really looking — seeing

Eye gazing—much different from eye contact—is a way to do just that. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll see and the emotions you’ll feel through the experience. It rarely disappoints. I remember doing this exercise when I was facilitating within the Matrix Leadership Institute.  It truly touched me deeply.  The other time I did this
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And then we go “splat”

So let’s assume for a few moments that we come in as Spirits, from formlessness into form/matter.  For some of you this is easy, for some it is a stretch.  So stretch a little. 😉 If we are to believe as in the ACIM that we are not our bodies, we are thoughts in the
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Increasing your capacity for resilience

Since it seems I am on the subject of resiliency I thought I would share some things that you can personally do to increase your capacity! At this time we are under increased amount of stress.  Now remember the definition of stress?  This is what happens in us when something we care about is being
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Changing the perception of being a victim

In the last post I shared a video from a TedTalk.  I so hope you watched that one!  He had one comment in the video about being a victim of circumstances as a child that he could not change.  Then he stopped and also said he was not a “victim”.  He even invited us to
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