
What will acceptance give me?

Truly take this to your own heart, in the last post we spoke of why this matters. Consider contemplating the words he is saying, from the space in your own heart. From that point on, consider every moment, each person you come in contact with….this being of love and light. May we all find complete
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Change of heart..why?

AT this time more than ever with Covid-19, Racism, and what is next, truly needs the heart, your heart, each of our hearts to open. When open and coherent we have the potential to “see” each other differently. Here are some facts about the heart, so perhaps you will buy in: Our hearts rhythms affect
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Mirror Mirror on the wall and in the world

When I read this quote I thought of the years it took me to truly understand and apply this in my own life. This quote is Q’uo, The Law Of One “When the seeker becomes fully aware that every person about him is a mirror for himself, there is in that realization a feeling of
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Consciousness is shifting to Higher States, will you?

You are invited to be a part of the Global Coherence Initiative, a community of people dedicated to raising their individual and collective vibration and awakening the heart of humanity. As people intentionally radiate the qualities of love, compassion and cooperation with a large group of people, the effect of the collective intention is magnified in the
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It’s all energy…may this serve to uplift yours!

It’s all energy…may this serve to uplift yours!

So, many of us are at home. Many of us have concerns about what is going to happen next. We may be wondering about our resources, if they will continue. We may be worrying about our friends and families. Will our work continue. Will it be something we need to take seriously or discount it
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