
Birthing a new world.

What would happen if we as a society began to see what is happening in the world across all sectors, is a birthing process rather than a “falling apart”? Notice if there is a difference in your body and emotions between the first one and the second one. Truly take a moment to experience if
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What will acceptance give me?

Truly take this to your own heart, in the last post we spoke of why this matters. Consider contemplating the words he is saying, from the space in your own heart. From that point on, consider every moment, each person you come in contact with….this being of love and light. May we all find complete
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What can you do knowing life is changing due to a virus?

I felt compelled to add my voice to this conversation. I have read much about this apparent collapse of how we have been conditioned to “do” things. I am, as you are, being called to question most things. One huge question for me is, “who do I choose to be in this crisis”? Since I
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Will you take time today to activate peace within?

This is something to consider today on International Peace Day. I have learned how conflicted my own mind can get these days. Realizing that this energy of my thoughts and emotions are impacting everyone around me. Think about this. Is this the impact I want to have on my family, colleagues, neighbors, or friends. We
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Cost of war – investing in peace.

First I want to say the what I have learned about this consciousness of war within me. We all ask what can I do?  How can I change what is happening in the world?  How do we stop the fighting? I have these thoughts as I watch the news, do you? Scientists at the Institute
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