
It is all a matter of perception!

My husband got this from a friend the other day.  I wanted to share it.  Please take the time to clean your palate (emotions) so you can take in the words and simply notice the impact.  This is life hitting you and your stuff.;-) Today was the absolute worst day ever and don’t try to
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The healer within

“All body systems are affected by how we think, what we eat, how we behave and the choices we make.  It is when we recognize our body-mind connection that we begin to awaken the healer within”. The statement above is from a teacher in Healing Touch program. This philosophy is what is also known as
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Event + Perception + Response = Outcome

Let’s unpack this ! So above is an equation: Event : what is happening in the outer world, what our senses are taking in at the moment.   So what is the event in your life right now that has you emotionally in a state that is draining your inner battery? This could be family,
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Perceptions, responses = outcomes

So, we are the day after the election.  For those of us who are Trump supporters, we may be  feeling happy, content, and grateful.  For those of us who are Hillary supporters, we may be feeling disappointment, sadness, anxiety or grief.  Whatever it is we are experiencing we need to just be with it. One
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