
Amygdala hijacking eased with the heart.

This connection between the heart and brain once understood and applied can change our perceptions of life and how life responds to us. One formula I have used often is E+P+R=O and when I remember to apply this I find a deeper understanding of communication and what can happen that leads to disconnection to others.
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The Greatest Reset!

I hear and read about the great reset. How things have shifted even more imbalancing the resources in the world. That corporations and technocracy are moving into greater power over humanity. The threat of nuclear war, financial markets potentially collapsing, mandates, oil spills, extreme weather changes, earthquakes, teens suffering either depression or anxiety…and on and
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Beliefs getting in the way of meaningful connections?

How many of us are truly willing to look into our own minds and hearts to see our part in patterns that show up in our life?  It took me awhile to do this.  To take full ownership in how my past thoughts and feelings are impacting my NOW. I had a client the other
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How safe do you feel?

This is a big question, isn’t it?  How safe do I actually feel?  What makes me feel safe?  When do I feel safe? Can I trust mySelf? This is all part of the limbic brains job!  This part of the brain as well as others, are constantly scanning the external world to see if we
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