
How to calm children through massage/appropriate touch.

How do we help our children calm down when they are experiencing the effects of stress?  Why would we even want to do this for our children?   Looking at what is happening to immigrant children, being separated from their “moms”, my heart experiences sadness.  Knowing that without touch, loving touch, their brains form differently.Could
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How we get conditioned into Scarcity as a Society.

“For me, and for many of us, our first waking thought of the day is “I didnt get enough sleep.” The next one is “I don’t have enough time.” Whether true or not, that thought of not enough occurs to us automatically before we even think to question or examine it. We spend most of
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The healer within

“All body systems are affected by how we think, what we eat, how we behave and the choices we make.  It is when we recognize our body-mind connection that we begin to awaken the healer within”. The statement above is from a teacher in Healing Touch program. This philosophy is what is also known as
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8 ways to stay calm under pressure

I find these tools very useful and with what is going on in the world today we all need to use them more than ever!!!  I know I do!!! Simply place your hand on your heart and breathe.  This simple thing releases oxytocin which helps regulate and calm thefight/flight/freeze/appease system. Hug your best friend.  Hug
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And I need this hormone because?

And I need this hormone because?

I am posting this on the day Tim and I have been married for 46 years.  Wow! I truly believe that we served each other more oxytocin cocktails than cortisol cocktails 😉 Sit back, take it in as you watch this.  What happens in your body? For me I felt my heart open, my body
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