
The body as a means of communication.

This a line in the Course of Miracles. One that took me sometime to wrap my mind and heart around. Let me see if I can serve your understanding of this statement. As a young woman I pondered so much! One thought that kept floating through my mind was “God gave me this body (suit
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Happy Father’s Day

I know I promised to talk more about peace and I will in the next post for sure.  However I realized that Sunday was Father’s Day!!!  I wanted to take the time to acknowledge the many varieties of Fathers out there. I know when I was growing up, many Fathers were hands off.  At least
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Trauma impacts us all.

The amount of traumatic energy on this planet is influencing us all at such a deep level in our nervous systems.  With all the social media we are exposed to, seeing  things on the other side of the planet we never saw before.  The wars, famines, poverty, inhumanity all impacting our nervous systems constantly. Even
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Breathe …it opens our bodies up to release!!!

Breathe …it opens our bodies up to release!!!

I believe we all must learn to breathe properly to open our minds/brains up to new possibilities. This is especially important these days when we are witnessing rapid change, some we like, some we don’t like.  Either way, notice if you have a tendency to hold your breath.  I have noticed this in myself often.
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How to calm children through massage/appropriate touch.

How do we help our children calm down when they are experiencing the effects of stress?  Why would we even want to do this for our children?   Looking at what is happening to immigrant children, being separated from their “moms”, my heart experiences sadness.  Knowing that without touch, loving touch, their brains form differently.Could
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