
Human Longevity Project….part 4

What does it take to live a long healthy life?  This part is about what researchers are finding out about the impact our fast paced life is having on children.  We need to pay attention!! What we are finding out is, the saying “kids are resilient” is not true.  They are being impacted in their
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Wrinkle in Time shares deep wisdom for us all!

During the movie “Wrinkle in Time” I found myself experiencing tears of joy, of compassion, of sadness and a resonance that I have not felt in watching a movie! In the beginning just resonating with Meg.  In the story she experienced deep loss and feelings of abandonment.  I remember this in my own life. These
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Changing the perception of being a victim

In the last post I shared a video from a TedTalk.  I so hope you watched that one!  He had one comment in the video about being a victim of circumstances as a child that he could not change.  Then he stopped and also said he was not a “victim”.  He even invited us to
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Resilience and why it matters

Resilience and why it matters

I saw this video in a class for volunteers to understand the power of resilience from an African American male.  I loved it so I wanted to share it with you.  I even had my grandchildren watch it. What does resilience mean to you?

From Activation to Coherence…reflections.

I have been affiliated in the past with Matrix Leadership Institute, learning and co-facilitating groups with others from this organization.  It taught me about roles, past traumas and how they can activate a group.  I am more aware of dreams and projections and how they play apart in our communication with each other.  As I
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