
What are your obstacles to Love?

I have been noticing more and more people willing to talk about Love these days! Love is a frequency/vibration we can all tap into anytime we want. A few months I was sitting in a circle with other Matrix Leadership friend and this subject came up. I quoted Rumi…“Your task is not to seek for
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What is it most humans have in common?

There are three universal fears we as humans must be able to sit with and learn from them. According to many, and in particular my colleague Gregg Braden, these three are fear of separation and abandonment, the fear of low self worth, and the fear of surrender and trust. Take a moment and breath, notice
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How safe do you feel?

This is a big question, isn’t it?  How safe do I actually feel?  What makes me feel safe?  When do I feel safe? Can I trust mySelf? This is all part of the limbic brains job!  This part of the brain as well as others, are constantly scanning the external world to see if we
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