
Tired of anxiety and fear?

I know I had anxiety for years. Unwilling to own it since it was so deeply embedded in me from my childhood. It was how I got wired, no blame here, just what I experienced. I knew I had to get busy with re-wiring myself. I have! I continue to do this work, everyday. When
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Consciousness is shifting to Higher States, will you?

You are invited to be a part of the Global Coherence Initiative, a community of people dedicated to raising their individual and collective vibration and awakening the heart of humanity. As people intentionally radiate the qualities of love, compassion and cooperation with a large group of people, the effect of the collective intention is magnified in the
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What can you do knowing life is changing due to a virus?

I felt compelled to add my voice to this conversation. I have read much about this apparent collapse of how we have been conditioned to “do” things. I am, as you are, being called to question most things. One huge question for me is, “who do I choose to be in this crisis”? Since I
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Experiencing Agitation?

If you notice more agitation coming up for you? Are you noticing the pace of things speeding up? Being more irritable? Less tolerant of others? Of your own mistakes? Perhaps family members? Money issues? Employee issues? Employer issues? You are not alone!!! Just wanted to let you know;-). This is where we can truly notice
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The body as a means of communication.

This a line in the Course of Miracles. One that took me sometime to wrap my mind and heart around. Let me see if I can serve your understanding of this statement. As a young woman I pondered so much! One thought that kept floating through my mind was “God gave me this body (suit
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