The Power to Influence….
Paramahansa Yogananda said ” Environment is stronger than will power, choose friends wisely”. Are you choosing programs on TV, movies, friends, conversations, communities that are filling you with fear or love? All of these influences are not only on the thought level, but on the vibrational level, a frequency level. We all know about those vibes! This energy influences us , how we see the world and how we respond to the world. Also how we think about ourselves and others.
Self regulation is power. There are two kinds of power, internal control and external control. The degree in which we practice internal control is the degree in which we can experience happiness or joy. Taking responsibility for our behavior and actions and how they are impacting others. we have power. Rather than blaming others, I can actually look at the meaning I am giving to the situation I am in. We all have mind movies/stories in our heads about what is going on. Is this story one that creates a sense of connection, ease, mutual respect and compassion? Or is this story in my head about competition, comparison, insecurities and fear?
It is in the awareness of our thoughts and emotions that we can see clearly the story we are telling ourselves.
The practice of quick coherence, which is a tool I teach, is about be able to slow our physiology down so we can simply notice where we are. The practice of observing oneself.
In bringing attention to the area of the heart, placing our hands on our hearts, we begin to come into the body and out of the mind/head. This very act begins to dump oxytocin into our bodies which is the hormone of bonding. Then we come to our breath, breathing into the count of 5 and out to the count of 5. This begins to regulate and synchronize the nervous system. Are you aware that when we have this breath pattern with focus on the heart we are actually giving our brains a signal that it is safe. Once there we “choose” an emotion that is regenerative. I usually choose appreciation or gratitude, since I have so much in my life to appreciate or be grateful for.
Stop here and make a list of those things right now. As you do this feel into each thing that you are writing . Imagining breath coming in and out of your heart as you do this. What do you begin to notice? Once again observing.
For me, I notice a feeling of ease, expansion, thoughts slowing or stopping. I quit emitting the frequencies of worry, fear, frustration, etc..and begin to emit a higher vibration which impacts what I am doing and who I am with.
Do an experiment, walk up to a friend with a frequency of disgust or judgment, notice how they react. Walk up to a friend with the vibe of appreciation and gratitude to be with them, notice the reaction. Becoming aware of we are the observer.
This is the power we all have to influence our world! My son in law was at conference for a big corporation where they shared how emotions are impacting performance, teams, individuals and the bottom line. This is the bottom line! We are human beings all experiencing life differently based on our history. When we come together, we have a choice to become aware of our own inner radio station, to watch how our station is impacting people around us, and finding a radio station together that plays harmony, respect, compassion, and joy!
At the end of “The Book of Joy” with the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu is says ” relationship is the true proving ground for spirituality. Ultimately, joy is not something to learn, it is something to live. And or greatest joy is lived in deep, loving, and generous relationships with others.”