This is what is happening to us all. ;
When I looked at this image I thought to myself how fascinating it was. At times as I walk in the world or listen to others I wonder which finger they are expressing these days. The kind of stress that we are exposed to on a daily basis is truly hurting us all.
The stress that we are being bombarded with weakens our immune system!!!! This is a fact. Every time I turn on the TV or radio the invitation to be fearful about something is present. I could go through the list, however I believe we know the list of the our families, cultures, nations, governments, covid and the one facing us all “environment”.
As we continue to walk down this path with great uncertainty, that alone causes the stress response to happen in us. As humans we like certainty, I know I did. I notice in myself at times being aware of tension in my body, when in fact I am sitting outside by myself. It is in the “field”. We are collectively picking these frequencies up just due to the fact we are part of the field.
The media, and I don’t care which side of the fence you sit on, it is doing it’s best to keep this stress response on. What happens when this is on, your immune system’s capacity to keep you well and healthy is diminished. With what we are facing these days we need to keep our immune systems optimally performing.
Think about this, in order to transplant hearts and lungs they actually give you medicine (stress hormones) to shut your immune system down so your body does not reject the organ!
I had to ask myself what was I feeding myself? To become more aware of what I was listening to. Checking in with my own body to “feel” the impact of that conversation. When I do this, I can truly discern what is renewing my energy and what is depleting it. This took a deep listening into my own heart for guidance. It took getting coherent!
Yes, I want to know what is going on in the world. However there is often times I can do nothing. Which is not true either. I can manage my own energy system. I can fill myself with compassion, love, care, gratitude first! Once this is done then I can radiate that energy into the bigger field of “us” to help lift the vibration of humanity.
It is a consciousness and energy game now more than ever.
What kind of world do you desire to live in? Who do you want to be in this moment? What do you want to radiate to others as you pass them on the street? How do I want to see/feel the new world evolving into?
I hope your answer is LOVE. LOVE is a more powerful force that we ever imagined it to be.