Those masks our boys begin to wear!
After watching a film on Netflix “the masks we live in ” with my grandson and granddaughter last week. My desire was to “wake” those minds up to what we have bought into as a society.
My niece is a professor out in Oregon who shares this video with each of her classes to “wake” them up. We can become “whole and healed” as we educate ourselves out of the old paradigm of what it means to be a man.
There is a moment in the documentary where these boys are talking about being sensitive. How this is seen as “feminine ” and they get teased/shamed. This film shows us what coaches, friends, parents do very unconsciously to our boys. I looked at my grandson with tears in my eyes telling him he is one of those.
In being a Grandmother and watching these children express who they are, I noticed he was far more “emotionally sensitive ” than my granddaughters were!
The family makes fun/teases him around him being scared. He does feel scared, that is what is real. He is now learning how to “suck it up”
I texted my granddaughter and asked her “do you think making fun of him being scared is encouraging him to put a mask on”? She replied “yeah”…..and I know the deep love she has for her brother.
Amazing how willing this generation is to look, they are hungry for guidance!!! They did not see their contribution to this pattern in our society. They thought of others who would benefit from this documentary! When we open minds and hearts , they run with it!!!