Wanted to share another way to “see”
When I go out into the woods, and I look at trees, I say, “Oh, look at that one, oh look at that one, oh how interesting!” I don’t ask why an Elm isn’t an Oak… I just appreciate them for what they are.
Somehow it’s different when I get near humans, I somehow feel that it’s a whole different category, and I move into my judging mode, saying, “If that person was more like that person, things would be better.”
Now I don’t elevate human relationships that much. I see them as just more of the interaction with the phenomenal world, and another person is a set of phenomena manifested, and I see that I’m getting upset because somebody is a certain way, I take that upset and ask, “Why am I upset?” I realize that a part of my upset is because I have a model that I am holding of how the world should be other than the way it is.
I have the choice of either trying to change the world to adhere to my model, or let go of my model to be with the world.
Asking yourself, how often do I do this? How am I trying to make the world conform to what I want? Can I just let it all go, and truly see what is in front of me. What happens when I do this? How does my body react? What thoughts go racing through? Or can I just appreciate what God would have me experience in this moment?