Ways to lighten up!
Silently send love to someone in your life that you are grateful for. That you are sharing this life with them. Gratitude is such a healing vibration, attitude and emotion. Doesn’t this feel amazing? Just doing this lightens you up and the receiver of this gratitude.
How do we live more into this gratitude? For one, we have to notice what gets in the way. What creates a heaviness in your life? Work? Family issues? Money issues? Politics? Environment? Social inequality?
Heaviness could be byproduct of judgments perhaps? Disappointments in people, how life has disappointed you? Perhaps burdens you carry, lack of fairness in the world? Do you see yourself as victimized by things someone did to you? Perhaps it is the weight of apathy? You just don’t care anymore?
Consider in your personal life 3 things that are weighing you down right now?
Ask how does this serve me to hold onto this judgement, anger, apathy, disappointment or resentment?
Ask each thing the same question.
For many it is a protection or defense to protect our hearts from being hurt again. Perhaps we are afraid to be open and honest when it has been used against us? Perhaps nobody in our world ever role modeled this for us. It is just so unfamiliar to us.
These heavy feelings we flood our bodies with chemicals that don’t serve us. They work against the feel-good maximum metabolism. These heavy thoughts and emotions have a consequence in our lives. Perhaps even now, just reading this has activated this hormonal system.
Let’s shift!
Go to your own heart now. As you sit quietly in the heart, imagine breathing in and out of your heart. Into the count of 5, out to the count of 5. Now let yourself “feel” gratitude, love, joy – you choose what feels the most expansive.
As you sit in this coherent state, where mind, body, emotions and spirit are aligned ask your heart “what would be a replacement attitude for the first heavy emotion”? Then go to the next one until you have discovered a higher frequency to choose when those old habitual heavy emotions show up for you today!
Science has shown us that in lifting our own “vibration” we influence our bodies, our lives, those around us and the environment. We do have power to change the world!