What happens when we notice the violence in the world?
Give Peace a Chance!
I have loved that song of John Lennon for years! Give peace a chance. What does this truly mean for me?
Well as I thought about this the other day, after what happened in Orlando , the violence on our streets that we witness often, if not daily, I was moved to do something. What I noticed was my own inner violence, conflicting parts of myself all wanting to be heard. “What can I do”, it is “not mine, I am safe”, “if they would just stop”. We all have them inside of us, the angry parts, the sad parts, the hurt parts, the scared parts, the kind parts, the judging parts…you know this if we take the time to step back and just watch our brains go to town.
So, what I decided to do, is just be at peace with all of the different parts of myself. At the deepest heart of who I am, I get I am none of this. I can’t even access this if my brain is so busy with these conversations, so I decided to just breathe peace each time I noticed the conflict begin in me.
Wow, what a job! At first I had to do it so often, it made me laugh to truly watch this conflicted mind . Yet, by the end of the day, I did notice I was much more peaceful and happy.
Perhaps this is what John meant, give peace a chance …in your own mind and body. Science has told us that we are all connected by a quantum field. What if I raised my frequency or like some call it my “vibe” to this peaceful state and truly could influence others around me? Are you willing to try this today yourself?