What will it take and are you ready?
Have you ever wondered what it will take for things to change? What will it take for me to change. We are such creatures of habit, I know I am. To change we need to be honest with ourselves. Perceptions we have are based on our past programming , conditioning and beliefs. These are regulated by our thoughts and emotions. This is where the real work is.
Richard Rohr says “If you do not transform your pain, you will most assuredly transmit it”. Healthy spirituality on the practical side guides us in what to do with our pain, because we all have pain. We can’t avoid it, it is part of life. Right now we have Covid-19, people losing their jobs, businesses closing, people going hungry, etc. There is much happening right now that causes many of us to go into survival physiology. If we are not trained in how to be with this, or to let go of it, transform it, etc we will surely hand it off to our family, children, grandchildren, neighbors , co-workers or nation. We must truly understand the collective trauma peoples on the planet are experiencing at this time.
Right now is one of the best times to do this work within ourselves. We are electromagnetic beings being influenced by forces greater than what our physical senses can perceive.
Astrologers are amazing at helping us understand this. I am not one, however I do know that the sun, moon and planets influence us greatly. Let’s take a look at what is happening.
November 30 we had a lunar eclipse. Eclipses as I understand it, are harbingers of change, culminations of emotional cycles that have run their course (shadow material). It is a time to let go of emotional attachments (habits) that no longer serve us. It is like we are getting a cosmic helping hand.;-) For me during that week I noticed many old thoughts, emotions and patterns arising in me. What did you notice in that week?
December 14 we had a solar eclipse. From my understanding this time was about testing my strength and resolve in overcoming my old mental programs, beliefs and ideologies that were stifling my true power (Essence) to truly rise above the toxic thoughts/emotions that were arising in me. Yes, this was truly uncomfortable as I had to take back all the projections I had placed on others. It was truly challenging my ability to trust and let go of these projections and stories my mind had been telling me about myself and others. Whew…deep work!
Now December 21 is the Winter Solstice. It is my understanding that this one is incredibly special and powerful. It is symbolic of death and rebirth. It is when we experience the longest hours of darkness, waiting for the rebirth of the sun(light). We can use this powerful energy for regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. We are not separate from Creator/God/Spirit we have only been conditioned to belief that we are less than Divine Beings.
We are at a turning point, this Solstice energy can be utilized for healing right now. Look at all that needs healing globally, nationally, and personally! This one is incredibly powerful as Jupiter/Saturn have not aligned like this in over 800 years!!! I understand that on this evening you can look to the southwestern sky and see these planets being very close to each other, forming what has been called the Christmas Star (Bethlehem )
So, take some time to sit in the dark, with no distractions. Drop into your own Sacred Heart and listen. Listen deeply. In the stillness of my heart, I AM. Perhaps you could do a fire ritual. I do. A simple one is one pieces of paper just write down that which you no longer desire. Burn them. Then take the time to write down all that you desire to bring into your life. Perhaps more love, compassion, wisdom, joy, peace etc. Feel each of these strongly in your heart, savor them, deepen into them.
As you do this you are actually rewiring your nervous system and brain. Then radiate those out to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and people you don’t know. This is how we change the Field of energy we all live in.
If you would like some support in living a more heart based life, please connect with me. It will take more of us willing to live this way to truly change what is happening here on earth.
Happy holidays!
http://bodymattersinc.net http://heartmath.org http://thomashubl.org