Wrinkle in Time shares deep wisdom for us all!
During the movie “Wrinkle in Time” I found myself experiencing tears of joy, of compassion, of sadness and a resonance that I have not felt in watching a movie!
In the beginning just resonating with Meg. In the story she experienced deep loss and feelings of abandonment. I remember this in my own life.
These are the things that happen to us on our journey in this Life. As a result of these “traumas” we act out. She was doing well in school then began to do poorly.
In our society we do look at behaviors of kids, judge them, then give them a consequence. (detention, expulsion, jail, some form of punishment)
When we can truly see with eyes of love and compassion, we see they are truly hurting. It is a cry for love. Doing this for each other and our children can truly heal the world. As it was done with Meg’s love for Charlie.
I felt that at her age, I was hurt deeply. Seeing the behaviors and attitudes I had were not me being bad, just me trying to release that tension inside.
When (Oprah) Mrs. Which spoke of the darkness, needing to always be aware of, IT, and how IT expresses through us. IT can take over our minds/emotions and we become depressed, judgmental, superior, inferior, fearful, doubtful, lacking trust,etc.
This is a cue for us all, to turn to our hearts. Open them back up. Remember WHO we truly are. Turn our minds and hearts to serve the Light and Love…our true Source.
There were so much wisdom in this movie! I love how now is the Time where we too can create a wrinkle;-)
What do you think?